Formed in early 2023, Texas called Room 13, take gritty & catchy rock n roll to the masses even if it’s just one venue at a time & have been playing live shows ever since & we even have a debut EP called the Filth & the Fury out & it has been steadily receiving radio-play with local & international radio stations

1. For someone that is yet to discover Room 13 in 5 words how would you describe yourself. Catchy Unfiltered Rock n Roll
2. How did you get together? the singer Jey put ads all around and after few line-ups we’re still here and kicking giving people great shows.
3. What’s the story behind the name? Our name comes from a 60s German Thriller film Zimmer Dreizehn which means Room 13 in German.
4. Where do you feel you fit into the music landscape? We’re kind of not a totally easy band to read because we don’t really fit into one genre of rock we play punk, alternative rock, hard rock, sometimes old school heavy metal so we just say rock n roll because it’s easier
5. What other artists or bands do you draw inspiration from? We draw a lot of inspiration from old punk and alternative bands like the Ramones, Velvet, Underground, the Stooges, Nirvana, but we also draw inspiration from modern rock bands like the False Heads, James & The Cold Gun, & Classless Act.
6. What’s currently in the pipeline for the rest of 2023 & 2024 for you? Just playing as many shows as we can and looking for a good indie label to sign with (We’re hoping Subpop or Loosegroove Records) to release our debut album Ode to Infamy which is our best piece of work any of us had contributed to in awhile. 10 songs of the catchiest, grittiest, and most authentic work of rock n roll the underground hasn’t seen in a long time. We’re also planning a small summer UK/EU tour with a couple other bands.
7. How do differ you from other artists/bands ? We differ from other artists & bands in our scene with not only writing some of the coolest rock n roll you will hear that will get the hands clappin, the feet stompin, the ass movin, and head banging but also with our live shows we pride ourselves with giving a 100% every show whether it being us play to 1,000 people or 10 it doesn’t matter to us we wanna give people the best rock n roll show they possibly can one venue at a time
8. What can fans expect from your new EP? Well actually our Debut EP the Filth & the Fury has been out for a couple months now on all streaming platforms we released it late August, but to answer that question they can expect 3 great tracks of our originals that tear the roof off at our liveshow have the crowds going wild or pull your heart strings with powerful lyrics, blasting guitar, & pounding drums. What they’re getting is great rock n roll in it’s dirtiest & most primal form
9. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically? . Definitely Queens of the Stone Age, Dave Grohl, or Noel Gallagher whether it’d be writing a great tune together or opening for them at a show, it would be a dream come true.
10. What was your worst performance? Our worst was definitely at this place called the Hippie Hole intimate it was a acoustic show in our early days barely anyone showed so we just played 3 songs, cut the set short and left it was very underwhelming and a rare bad show for us really haha.
11: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it? It would probably be the constant changing of members because some can’t hack it or they have some they don’t have enough time anymore or playing in the same places in your scene because more and more great venues are closing down so we try to play more venues outside Dallas or TX opening for bigger bands but it’s not easy you know. But we do our best and keep doing it because we love the music and our fans and we wanna keep playing music until we’re dead.
12: How does your creative process work – do you work with others or is there just you? Well mainly Jey would come in with a initial idea or a full song done and we all contribute to enhance the song and give it that classic room 13 edge, we did that with the EP and the album we just finished writing it’s pretty easy to do when you got one of the best frontman/songwriters in TX in your band.
13: Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music? Well each song we write has a story or message behind it whether it’d be about war, or death, or drugs, or love and heartbreak, or just the world view in general warts and all. If those messages can connect with you with the music we can say we’ve done our job.
14: Who would you like to see Live past or present and why? Past would definitely be Nirvana, Zeppelin, the Velvet Underground, the Doors, or Oasis. Present would be Queens of the Stone Age (even though i saw them 3 times they’re always so good), James & the Cold Gun, the False Heads, & Gojira.