Pam Hogg took to the London Fashion Week stage once again, with her first Hoggcouture catwalk collection in 2 years titled “My Profession is Dreaming”. And dreaming we were. Encapsulated by disruptive prints, bold colours and fabrics, Pam Hogg had us mesmerised.
Pam Hogg is a fashion designer from Glasgow, with a career spanning across 4 decades which blossomed in London’s mid-80’s post punk scene. Pam Hogg’s eccentric designs are a protest against the norm. Pam’s designs have been worn by the likes of Debbie Harry, Kate Moss and Lady Gaga, seen on the cover of magazines such as ID Magazine and at top shows and galleries around the world; London Fashion Week being one of many.

Images by ©Chris Yates/ Chris Yates Media