The Place Bold Street Liverpool Images: Dave Knight @ bold_street_guy

Name: Dan. Age: 19. Occupation: Musician/Bartender. Likes: Gigs. Clothes DIY/SEWING & Metal Music Hates: Tories, Kidney Beans & Love Island. Film: Apostle. Record: The Day That Never Comes by Metallica. Club: Not Sure About The Club, Kind Of A Fan Of NQ64 Cause I’m A Big Fan of Arcades

Name: Myles. Age: 23. Occupation Actor & Musician. Likes: Everton FC. Fluffy Bed Socks in Docs & A Good Pint Of Stout. Hates: Being Awake Before 10.Scratchy Socks In Flipflops & Fruit Flies, Film: Mickybo and Me Rum. Record: Sodomy And The Lash by Sally Maclennane. Club: Pubs over clubs (Peter Kavanagh’s, Liverpool)

Name: Danny. Age: 21. Occupation: Film Student/Bartender. Likes: Plants. Loud Music & My Guitar. Hates: The Price Of Cheese. People Who Say They Don’t Get Hangovers & Getting Asked To Chill. Film: Almost Famous . Record: Candy By Paolo Nutini. Club: Café Soudgarden (Amsterdam)

Name: Naya . Age: 21. Occupation: Drag Artist. Likes: Polaroids. Roses & Sunsets Hates: The Cold. Ques & Needles. Film: The Hunger Games. Record: I Surrender by Celine Dion. Club: Heaven(Liverpool)

Name: Lauren . Age: 22. Occupation: Management for Punk Band M.A.D. Likes: Skateboarding, Dancing Like EVERYONE Is Watching & Community Development. Hates: Ignorance (no choice for this in the age of information), empty rooms and wet clothes. Film: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. Record: Psychobilly Freakout by The Reverend Horton Heat Club: No good club scene here in Longford so shout out to my gig night ALMOST FAMOUS. Supporting the local scene and beyond.

Name: Florence . Age: 23. Occupation: I’m in training in the Navy to be a Weapons Engineer . Likes: Gigs, Hikes, Reptiles & Amphibians. Hates: The Feeling Of Cotton Balls, Being Cold & Early Mornings. Film: Fantastic Mr Fox. Record: Definitely A Hard Choice To Make On This One But I’d Say – Don’t Let Me Down by Marcia Griffiths. Club: Young Offenders Scooter Club