1.Who is ‘Zeny Bux ‘
I’m a 19-year-old emerging musician based in Oldham, Greater Manchester.

2. For someone that is yet to discover you, how would you describe your music?
I’d say it’s very Oasis/U2/Feeder-like, but I’d like to say Indie Rock & Britpop would be the type.
3. What inspired you as an artist?
It would have to be everything I saw on TV as a kid. I’ve seen tons of music videos and I’ve listened to a lot of Rock music especially bands such as Oasis and The Roses. I’ve seen the interviews they’ve had and that’s where I’ve started to pick the guitar and become the musician I am today.
4. What is your process for preparing to perform live? Do you have any Diva demands?
Well, I’d like to set up everything in advanced before going out and getting something to eat to build some energy. Diva demands, well I guess I like things to go as well as planned.
5. Where do you feel you fit into the music ?
When I’m picking up my guitar, I’d feel butterflies in my belly when it comes to performing on bigger stages. I’m never shy or nervous, I’m just overwhelmed on how the crowd would feel.
6: What are your favourite musical genres, and are there any you dislike?
My favourite genres are Indie Rock, Britpop, Madchester, Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Blues Rock and Classic Rock. The genres I hate are Rap, UK Drill, Grime and R&B. I’m not joking, I hate both Rap and R&B.
7. Is there a story behind the new single ‘If I Fade’?
Yes! If I Fade has a darker turn to my music. It mainly focuses on mental health and people showing a lack of consideration to others. I’ve put it all into a song and that’s how If I Fade was written.
8. What would you say is your greatest strength as an artist?
My greatest strength as an artist would working with others as a team the industry and of course, achieving a lot of opportunities.
9. What would you say is your greatest weakness as an artist?
Snapping my guitar string.
10. What can fans expect from your new single ‘If I Fade’?

Well throughout the songs I’ve released, I never really sang very high before, and so I wanted to show everyone a different sound that I’ve composed.
11. What music artist would you say have influenced your work?
Lee Mavers.
12. Who would you most like to collaborate with artistically?
Liam Gallagher.
13. What was your worst performance?
Right, so I played this gig in Denton at this pub called The Jolly Hatters Inn and it was the worst gig I’ve ever played in my life…everyone was so rude and just disinterested with me and I snapped my string during the gig.
14: What was the most difficult obstacle you have ever faced and how did you overcome it?
I’d say the most difficult obstacle I’ve ever faced was having to deal with a lot of promoters and pub managers who’ve done me over for stupid reasons.
I overcame it from just either getting used to or just standing me ground and state what’s right or wrong in whatever circumstance I may face.
15: What is your creative process when making music. Do you work with others or is there just you?
For writing songs, I just write whatever I dream about or what I see in today’a day and age. As for work, It’s just me but I do have a promoter who helps me with recording my songs at his studio.

16: Where do you see your musical career in 10 years?
Probably at Wembley or the Eithad, who knows? I don’t predict the future.
17:Your Top 3 Overrated Musicians, who when you hear them you think ‘ How The Fk………….. ?
Freddie Mercury, Damon Albarn and Harry Styles.